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Putting the driver at the center of the transport industry.
One mile at a time
The APP that Works for YOU
Earn daily financial rewards for safe driving
The Driverz app recognizes your hard work and rewards you every day for achieving great performance
Get full access to all of your data
Drivers get full access to data from ELD, GPS, Dashcams, and more.
In addition, drivers can now add their comments and corrections to the information that comes from the truck
Use your tools to help you earn more
Discover any additional rewards available to you, and how you can earn them.
All of this just with the tap of a finger
For decades the Trucking Industry has focused on the vehicle equipment and monitoring devices to improve safety and efficiency.
Finally, it’s time for Drivers!
Our focus is on commercial drivers, the behind-the-scenes workers providing and transporting goods and services around the world.
We believe that drivers are the key to success for shippers and carriers alike. Making drivers more successful is our vision.
SafeMode is the world's first driver success platform that engages and rewards drivers for achieving better safety, efficiency, and customer satisfaction.
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